
This policy shall apply to the information collected or displayed on our website. 透过访问、浏览及/或使用(63.lindamedia.net) the online payment gateway, you agree to the following terms. This page contains the terms and 条件 concerning your use of the American Hospital and Clinics online payment website.

By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by the following terms and 条件.

本政策只适用于(63.lindamedia.net) engaged in on its website and does not apply to American Hospital and Clinics’ activities that are "offline" or unrelated to the website. (63.lindamedia.net) collects specific anonymous data regarding the usage of the website. 这些信息不能识别用户的个人身份, 单独或与其他信息结合, 并且是为了提高网站的性能而收集的. 收集的匿名资料(63.lindamedia.net)  website can include information such as the browser type you are using, 以及访问网站的时间和持续时间.

You may also be asked to provide personally identifiable information on the (63.lindamedia.net) website, including your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, etc. This type of information is used when there is a response or feedback emails are sent to (63.lindamedia.net), or when you register for our services or make purchases via the website. In all such cases, you have the option of providing us with personally identifiable information.



除非下文另有说明, 我们不卖, 贸易, or rent your personally identifiable information collected on the site to others. The information collected by our site is used to process orders, 让您随时了解您的订单状态, to notify you of products or any special offers that may be of interest to you, 并用于统计目的,以改善我们的网站. We will disclose your Delivery information to third parties, who will process your Personal Database on our instructions for order tracking purposes or to process your cheque or money order, 适当的. 例如, we must release your mailing address information to the delivery service to deliver products that you have ordered. The data may be used to improve the functionality of our site, 进行统计和数据分析, 送货上门, 并向您发送我们的促销邮件. 所有 credit/debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, 出售, 共享, 出租或出租给任何第三方的



cookie是缓存在用户浏览器中的一小部分数据. (63.lindamedia.net) utilizes cookies to determine whether or not you have visited the home page previously. The cookie is used to track information such as the number of users, 使用频率, 以及其他首选网站. 但是,不收集其他用户信息. (63.lindamedia.net) may use non-personal "aggregated data" to enhance the operation of our website, or analyze your interest in the other areas of our website.


此外,如果您提供(63.lindamedia.net)的内容发布或反馈, we may publish your user name or other identifying data with your permission. (63.lindamedia.net)  may also disclose personally identifiable information in order to respond to a subpoena, 法院命令, 或者其他类似的要求. (63.lindamedia.net) may also provide such personally identifiable information in response to a law enforcement agency’s request or as otherwise required by law. 在下列情况下,你的个人资料可能会被提供给某一实体63.lindamedia.net) files for bankruptcy, there is a transfer of the assets or ownership of (63.lindamedia.net) in connection with proposed or consummated corporate reorganizations, 例如合并或收购.



(63.lindamedia.net) takes appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security through appropriate hardware and software methodologies. 然而,(63.lindamedia.net) cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online.



(63.lindamedia.net) is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites to which it links. 如果您向此类第三方提供任何信息, different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply accordingly. We strongly recommend that you review such third party’s privacy policies before providing any data to them. We are not responsible for the policies or practices of third parties. Please be aware that our sites may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties.


The information practices of those websites linked to our site are not covered by this policy. These other sites may send their own cookies or clear GIFs to users, collect data or solicit personally identifiable information. 我们无法控制这些信息的收集. You should contact these entities directly if you have any questions about their use of the information that they collect.



(63.lindamedia.net) website is not intended for children under eighteen (18) years of age. It does not knowingly collect or distribute personal information from or regarding minors under the age of 18. 未成年人不得使用(63.lindamedia.net)网站或服务;及(63.lindamedia.net) requests that minors under the age of 18 not to submit any personal information to the website.



If you need to update or correct your Personal Information, 您可以通过电子邮件向我们发送更新和更正 digital@lindamedia.net


隐私政策的修改. (63.lindamedia.net)

 We reserve the right to amend our privacy/security policy, terms & 条件, and make the new provisions effective for all information we maintain from time to time to meet the requirements and standards. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted. The use of our website shall comprise acceptance of any changes in this Privacy and Security Policy and hence customers are encouraged to visit these sections.